My Goals For The Year

By the end of this year, everything I’ve ever known will (hopefully) change as I move away to university. I want to study Biomedical Science – that’s the end goal.

Small steps have to be taken to get me there. To get into the uni I want to go to – Southampton – I would have to get AAB in my A-Levels, which I should be able to do but that’s more where the smaller goals come in. As chemistry is my weakest subject I think that will be my B, but it’d be nice if I could get an A in that too along with biology and maths.

As exams are approaching ever more quickly, I have decided that every week I need to learn a chapter of both my biology and chemistry textbook. Seven days to learn about 20 pages of notes is far more doable than cramming 600+ pages into a month, which I feel like if I don’t plan in advance I will end up having to do.

Completely off from the last goals, I want to get better at taking selfies. It’s an odd one but I am absolutely dreadful at taking photos of myself or having people take photos of me. I want to have photos to help me remember the year and to aid my blog as it develops, however with how things are going at the mo I will be in none of them. Below is a couple I took earlier today after having done my makeup only for my friend who I was due to be going out with to cancel, so I thought I’d make the most of it and get some practice in. Any tips would be greatly appreciated xxx


@lauren.ebs on instagram boiiis


The main goal of mine this year is to not have any regrets. A lot of my other goals can be encompassed by this but after having been in a hospital for the final week of 2017, it put into perspective how quickly things can change – especially where two people died in my bay while I was there. I’ve already told myself I am going to tell the boy I like (who happens to be one of my best mates) that I like him, but how soon that will happen I do not know. It’s just one of those things that once it’s done, I feel like I’ll be better for it an I would regret it if I didn’t.

Finally, I want to make this blog worth reading. Worth reading for you guys and worth reading for me when the year comes to an end so I can look back and reflect on how I’ve grown as a person.

Thank you for sticking with me, and feel free to let me know how you think I could improve. I’d also love to hear about some of your goals for 2018.

Lots of love,

Lauren x


1 thought on “My Goals For The Year”

  1. Happy New Year! My tip for taking selfies (at home at least) is to set up your phone with a timer and set it somewhere so most of your upper body is in frame with your face (: it’s very flattering and makes for ease of posing and no hand-cramps haha hope you reach all your goals in 2018


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