Seventeen and Dying

The 17th of next month marks my 18th birthday and sometimes it still surprises me that I have got this far. I have chronic asthma along with an array of other conditions and have been hospitalised six times in the last two and a half years. I take eight different types of medication a day, some… Continue reading Seventeen and Dying

Week 2

Conveniently New Years Day was a Monday, meaning the year will fall nicely into weeks. Tomorrow marks the beginning of week two. I've taken it pretty easy on myself this first week, no surprises there as nothing has changed from last year, but as of today, I intend to set myself a list of goals for… Continue reading Week 2

My Goals For The Year

By the end of this year, everything I've ever known will (hopefully) change as I move away to university. I want to study Biomedical Science - that's the end goal. Small steps have to be taken to get me there. To get into the uni I want to go to - Southampton - I would… Continue reading My Goals For The Year

Catch Up

It's been a while. Many months have passed since the last time I posted anything on this blog and I apologise for that. As the year came to an end, so did my will to do anything whatsoever which required any more effort than usual. As another new year begins that still hasn't changed, however… Continue reading Catch Up

Results Day

I hope everyone's pleased with their A level results today. A lot of my year (year 12) received their AS results and found that results were not as expected. I got a U on one of my maths papers which brought down my grade dramatically. It was, in a way, expected - I was stubborn… Continue reading Results Day

Basically Boardies

A lot of my mates are currently in the beautiful seaside town of Cornwall, enjoying the festival life. Boardmasters had an insane line up and I would've loved to go, but instead I went camping. I went with my family, my brothers best mate from primary school and my best mate from primary school. Although… Continue reading Basically Boardies

A Bit About Me

Some generic info: I'm called Lauren, I'm 17 and I live in Bournemouth with my mum dad and younger brother. My starsign is Aquarius, I have a British shorthair (cat) called Bella and I play the piano and guitar. I'm currently doing maths, chemistry and biology at a level and learning to drive. I am… Continue reading A Bit About Me

Great Uncle’s 80th

Today is, as suggested in the title, my great-uncle's birthday (great uncle being my mum's uncle, although he is pretty great in the other sense too). I love birthdays, especially family ones because it means you have an excuse to get everyone together; you shouldn't need an excuse for that, I know, but with everyone… Continue reading Great Uncle’s 80th

An Awkward Bunch

Since making the decision to move school a year ago to have a different atmosphere for sixth form life, I have grown so much emotionally as a person. I definitely haven't grown physically as I am still the 5'2" I was five years ago, but that is besides the point. Very quickly I found my… Continue reading An Awkward Bunch

Hospital is my Second Home

I was diagnosed with asthma when I was 10 and it's just gone downhill from there really. Most people know of the blue inhaler, maybe even brown and purple, and I'd gone through those steps over the years but now I'm using a steroid inhaler that is white and looks a bit like a sex… Continue reading Hospital is my Second Home